Terror in Congo

I remember reading Bryan Mealer's article, "Congo's Daily Blood: Ruminations from a Failed State" in the April edition of Harper's Magazine last year (I would have loved to add a link to the article, but they are a little over-protective of their stuff). It was, and remains to this day, one of the most disturbing pieces of journalism I have ever read. At the time, I participated in an effort to increase awareness in Nashville about Darfur, and I was grateful for every celebrity who wore a button or a T-shirt, "Save Darfur." These days, it seems, the only way to get and keep the public's attention is by getting the ear of Oprah or George Clooney.

Eve Ensler isn't exactly a celebrity of that caliber; her fame is largely based on the occasional controversy around her play, "The Vagina Monologues." She is not a frequent guest on late night shows or at red carpet events, but she can write. She wrote a piece in Glamour magazine about the hellish violence against girls and women in eastern Congo. And Glamour apparently makes enough money from advertising to allow non-subscribers to read it online.

I find it almost impossible to speak from the pulpit about the violence the people of Congo - and especially the women and children - have been suffering for years. I cannot imagine writing about it in any necessary detail in the church newsletter because some of our young children might read it. But I want to encourage you to let what is happening in Congo shape your prayers and other actions.