Elders Call for Immigration Study

“Welcoming Immigrants” is a timely, short-term congregational study initiated by the Vine Street Christian Church Elders. It is connected not only to current events, but also to GA-1723 “On Becoming Immigrant Welcoming Congregations,” a resolution being presented at this summer’s General Assembly of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), July 8-12 in Indianapolis. The Elders will consider affirming this resolution at their meeting on June 26.

They therefore invite the congregation to study and discuss this resolution on Wednesday, June 21, at 6:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall.

In preparation for this study session, parts of the resolution will be introduced in worship on Sunday, June 18, and congregants will be invited to stay after worship for about 30-45 minutes for a listening session. (We’ll be finished at noon so Father’s Day celebrations can continue.)

The Elders wish to hear from you: What are your thoughts and feelings about immigrants and refugees? Where do you stand on the question of deportation of undocumented immigrants or in the debate about sanctuary cities? In this listening session, we will not debate the issues, but instead give the Elders a chance to hear how we each wrestle with the issues.

The Elders will take into consideration what they learn on Sunday morning and Wednesday night when they meet on June 26 to discuss the resolution and its impact on Vine Street’s ministry.

Please make plans to share in this conversation.