Interim Regional Minister Called

Rev. Kevin Lorenzo McNeil has accepted the call as The Christian Church (DOC) in Tennessee's Interim Regional Minister and President

Son of Rev. Henry Alfred Smith and Mary Helen Bowling, Rev. McNeil is a fourth-generation preacher with a long history of church service. He is married to the lovely Kimberly T. McNeil and they have three children, Courtney Danyel, Kevin Michael, and Carrington Myles McNeil. Rev. McNeil has received ecclesiastical endorsements from the Missionary Baptist and Free Will Baptist Churches; and in 2008 was ordained by the Christian Church Disciples of Christ in the Piedmont District and Endorsed by the Christian Church Disciples of Christ Region of Virginia. 

Currently Rev. McNeil is the Senior Pastor of Bethany Christian Church D.O.C. in Roanoke VA, and the Moderator of the Christian Church Disciples of Christ in the Region of Virginia. He also serves as a General Board Member of the Christian Church Disciple of Christ in the United States and Canada. Rev. McNeil is a certified Anti-Racism Pro-Reconciliation trainer and member of the Commission on Standing for the Region of Virginia of the Christian Church (D.O.C.). Rev. McNeil has served as Campus Pastor at the University of Lynchburg and spent seven years as a teacher in Roanoke City Schools and spent over ten (10) years in adult alternative education. Rev. McNeil also currently works as a small business consultant in Roanoke VA.

He is very active in the community and is an adamant supporter of education, social justice and keeping communities informed on current events. He also spends time conducting leadership and boundaries training for various organizations. Rev. McNeil loves sports, reading, watching movies, travel and spending time with family and friends and is very competitive. 

Rev. McNeil holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from the University of Miami (FL), and an M.A in Counseling as well as an M.DIV. from Liberty University.