Where is Margie?

Margie will be out of town, starting this weekend, to attend a retreat with colleagues in ministry. This is a great opportunity to highlight the good work of Bethany Fellows:

Since 1999, Bethany Fellows has served congregations by helping young pastors transition from seminary to sustained congregational ministry. Twice a year, the cohort of Disciples of Christ ministers meets to spend time together at different retreat centers across the country. They meet in small groups to discuss the ins and outs of their ministry, spend a day in silence, and learn "wise practices" for the long haul from different thought leaders in the church. 

This week, Margie and the other Fellows will stay at the Catholic Conference Center in Hickory, North Carolina. They will learn wise practices from two faith leaders: Gareth Higgins, the founder of the Wild Goose festival and The Porch, and Reverend Lisle Gwynn Garity, Presbyterian pastor and founder of A Sanctified Art

Margie asks for prayers during her day of silence and her time in community as she embarks on one of her last retreats with Bethany Fellows.