The Strange Love of Ash Wednesday

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For the first time since 1945, this year Ash Wednesday and Valentine’s Day will fall on the same date. Vine Street will observe Ash Wednesday Feb. 14 during a special Taize´ -inspired worship service at 6:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary. Wrapped in dim candle light, we’ll contemplate again the traditional words, “Remember you are dust, and to dust you shall return.”

No doubt our hearts will be stirred to wonder what a strange love it is God offers us through Jesus. “Strange,” because our cultural assumptions are flipped in light of the life of Jesus. “Love,” because the heart of God is embodied for us in Jesus. Sacrifice renders hope, and hope reveals love. Reminded of our baptism, we will hear an invitation to discover again the implications of such love for our lives and for our community across the six weeks and four days to follow—when Lent gives way to Easter… landing this time on April 1.

Join us for the journey.