Does Nashville need a COB?

On November 6, we will be asked to vote on “Charter Amendment 1” establishing a Community Oversight Board (COB) which will provide independent civilian oversight of the Metro Nashville Police Department. Join us on Wednesday, October 17, at 7:00 p.m. at The Temple (5015 Harding Pike) to hear arguments for and against this Charter Amendment. Supporters of a COB for Nashville claim that it will provide accountability and transparency as well as improve police-community relations. Opponents have stated that a COB is unnecessary, will cost money, and interfere in policing. The forum is co-sponsored by Belle Meade United Methodist Church, Bellevue United Methodist Church, Blakemore United Methodist Church, First Unitarian Universalist Church, Glendale Baptist Church, Hillwood Presbyterian Church, Sherith Israel, The Temple (Congregation Ohabai Sholom), Vine Street Christian Church, Unity of Nashville, West End Synagogue, Nashville Jewish Social Justice Roundtable, Community Relations Committee of the Jewish Federation of Nashville and Middle Tennessee.